25803 Happy people
Tired of your digital life being exploited online?
Librem One is a growing bundle of ethical services
Get all the apps right now and join the gang:
Librem Mail
Easy to use end-to-end encrypted email used by nearly everybody already
Librem Chat
No worries end-to-end encrypted chat, VoIP, and video calling used by millions of people
Librem Social
Change to a safe, public social media with millions of people already active, that respects your digital rights
Librem Tunnel
Toggle your connection to a secure VPN tunnel proven by millions of users
Pick your price
Basic bundle
Chat & Social
Free now and forever
Get Everything
Complete bundle
Mail, Chat, Social & Tunnel
All future services released under the Librem One banner will be included in the subscription at no additional charge
Family pack
Five complete bundles
Mail, Chat, Social & Tunnel
We don’t look at your junk…
or anything else.
Purism is a Social Purpose Corporation (SPC), which means we put social good above exploiting people. Librem One is a growing bundle of services—chat, tunnel, email, social, and more—from Purism, SPC.
We believe that privacy and technology can be ethical and convenient. Librem One allows you to reclaim your privacy, securely communicate to your friends, and does so easily with your freedoms intact. We bundle all the tools together for you to replace the privacy invading, locked-in, exploitative big-tech services. Putting you in charge of your digital life.
We provide products and services based on values that society wants, that respect digital civil rights. Welcome to Librem One, socially responsible services from Purism.
The Librem One bundle
Librem Mail
End-to-end encrypted email used by nearly everybody already
Librem Mail offers you an end-to-end encrypted email account, ensuring that all communication is kept private by using best-in-class cryptography. Like all other services in the Librem One bundle, it allows you to communicate to anybody inside or outside the librem.one domain (you are not locked-in to one technology company).
Since forever.
We delete unencrypted mail after 30 days.
Privacy support.Encrypted mail is a first-class citizen.
Mix and match. Use the official app, or a compatible app. Use our app on a compatible service.
Convenient.Connect from any device with a compatible app.
No ads.
Switch away from these privacy-invading services
Apple | Microsoft | Other | ||
GMail | iCloud Mail | HotMail Outlook Mail | Yahoo Mail |
Librem Chat
End-to-end encrypted chat, VoIP, and video calling used by millions of people
Librem Chat offers you an end-to-end encrypted chat application including text, voice, and video for one-on-one calls and large group chats. Based on the universal Matrix chat protocol ensuring you can communicate with people inside or outside the librem.one domain (you are not locked-in to one technology company).
Decentralized.Join chatrooms at librem.one, matrix.org, or any other Matrix domain.
Private.Create end-to-end encrypted chatrooms that only participants can see.
Text, voice and video.Communicate the way you want to.
Mix and match.Use the official app, or a compatible app. Use our app on a compatible service.
Convenient.Connect from any device with a compatible app.
No ads.
Switch away from these privacy-invading services
Apple | Microsoft | Other | ||
Hangouts | iMessage Facetime | Messenger | Skype | Snapchat Slack |
Librem Social
Safe, public network with millions of people already active
Librem Social offers you a public social media account, allowing you to follow friends and discover new ones among more than 2,000,000 people. Publish anything you want: links, pictures, text, video. All on a platform that is standardized, decentralized, and growing rapidly. Yes, you can follow and fully interact with people inside or outside the librem.one domain. (you are not locked-in to one technology company)
Decentralized.Reach and follow anyone at Librem Social, Mastodon Social, or any other Mastodon domain.
Safe.Follow and hear from friends only. Watch the internet blow up only if you want to. Block anyone.
Mix and match.Use the official app, or a compatible app. Use our app on a compatible service.
Convenient.Connect from any device with a compatible app.
You are not the product.We do not track you or sell your data.
No ads.
Switch away from these privacy-invading services
Apple | Microsoft | Other | ||
Google + | Facebook |
Librem Tunnel
Secure VPN tunnel proven by millions of users
Librem Tunnel offers you a virtual private network tunnel with no logging, ensuring that all your traffic is secure and shielded from random hotspots. By using standards-based VPN, you are not locked-in to one technology company.
Safe.Use public hotspots without worrying about network security.
Convenient.Connect from any device with a compatible app.
You are not the product.We do not track you or sell your data.
No ads.
Who else offers a comprehensive bundle including a secure tunnel?
Apple | Microsoft | Other | ||
And more
Initially launching with a handful of services, Librem One will continue to improve existing services and expand across a growing number of other services. Learning from experience, we are taking an incremental approach to solving the issues plaguing society by methodically adding new services under your single account.
Librem Files – pay-as-you-go end-to-end encrypted cloud storage
Librem Backup – pay-as-you-go end-to-end encrypted long-term full cloud backups
Librem Contacts – end-to-end encrypted contact sync and storage
Librem Pay – secure, private payments
Librem Dial – pay-as-you-go phone service
with more coming…
Society’s technology genius is not lacking, but its moral genius is.
Todd Weaver
There’s no question in my mind that [people] see privacy as an important issue, The question is: What do you do about it? [1]
Professor Joseph Turow
I appreciate safe spaces. I’m in!
Andrea Schäfer
This is everything I want, and everything I need.
Omar Aboulhosn
I don’t want to give up the convenience that today’s tech offers, but I also don’t want to give up my privacy. Librem One offers both.
Nicole Faerber
Privacy online is possible, with Librem One it’s now also easy.
Jeremiah Foster
Simple, clean, secure. All I ever wanted!
Scott Booth
Simple, private and ethical. Just as it should be. Beautiful!
François Téchené
We can’t see your embarrassing selfies^W data.
Finally! Bundled services that actively protect data, not track and sell it.
Dan Kinon
My ‘G Suite’ escape is finally here.
David Saenz
Now I really own my data in the cloud.
Birin Sanchez
Engaging in techlash doesn’t mean becoming a Luddite, just making a better choice. We’re standing on the shoulders of a jazz band of giants to build that option!
David Seaward
In the Press
The erosion of trust
News articles reveal the untrustworthiness of technology giants daily… It is time for ethical alternatives, it is time for Librem One.
Since 2016, Facebook has been paying users ages 13 to 35 up to $20 per month plus referral fees to sell their privacy by installing the iOS or Android “Facebook Research” app.
Target, the American discount store, put together a list of 25 products that when purchased together indicate that the purchasing woman is likely pregnant.
Business Insider
Women are less likely to be shown ads for high-paying jobs.
The Guardian
If your Facebook friends have bad credit ratings, it could be harder for you to get a loan.
CNN Money
Uber tracked drivers who were attending taxi protests and fired them. Uber continues to track riders “God View” after destination. Uber identifies “Rides of Glory”, rides taken to get home after one-night stands.
Facebook’s data deals with Apple, Amazon and Microsoft are under criminal investigation
NY Times
Why Purism?
We believe people should have secure devices an services that protect them rather than exploit them. We provide everything you need in a convenient product bundle.
Purism has been rapidly growing since 2014, successfully delivering on four revisions of the popular Librem 13 and Librem 15 laptops, also delivering the development kit for the upcoming and exciting security and privacy focused Librem 5 phone that runs PureOS—avoiding Android and iOS—to offer convenient ethical alternatives to Google, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft.
Purism does hardware, software, applications, and now—with Librem One—services.
By creating an ecosystem that advances social good, societal freedom, personal privacy, and the best security, Purism is changing the world for the better.
We have assembled a best-in-class global team, in fifteen countries over five continents, united in one common goal to respect digital civil rights. We are passionate about security, privacy, and digital rights for all of humanity, and this shows clearly in all our products and offerings.
Business Models
Business models are a simple way to see how a business really operates, and if it operates in your best interest. We think it’s a clear that people prefer to interact with organizations that they trust and see as fair.
- Purism: Founded in 2014, a Social Purpose Company, benefits society.
- Facebook: Founded in 2004, a For Profit Company, spies on you and friends.
- Google: Founded in 1998, a For Profit Company, tracks you for profit.
- Apple: Founded in 1976, a For Profit Company, controls you and locks you in more.
- Microsoft: Founded in 1975, a For Profit Company, controls you and locks you in.
Walk the walk
Purism is founded on core principles that have been publicly shared over the years
Technical Specifications
Each client Purism offers as part of Librem One utilizes free software across all platforms and encompasses a philosophy of decentralization (so you can communicate with other people on other systems), free software (so you can verify you are not being tracked or controlled), and standard protocols (so we advance sharing not vendor lock-in) as the underlying technology, this offers interoperability (so it plays nice with others) and self-hosting options (so you can host your own for your business, your friends or even yourself).
Our servers are powered by PureOS, Purism’s rights respecting operating system.
- Librem Mail – Standard SMTP/IMAP/POP MTA, with OpenPGP
- Librem Tunnel – OpenVPN
- Librem Chat – Matrix (available now), XMPP (coming soon)
- Librem Social – ActivityPub
Each client Purism offers as part of Librem One utilizes free software clients across all platforms, ensuring the rights of people are protected while third party verification of privacy and security protections can be confirmed.